Advocacy is not a
craft but a calling; a profession wherein devotion to duty constitutes the
hallmark. Sincerity of performance and the earnestness of endeavor are the two
wings that will bare aloft the advocate to the tower of success. Given these
virtues other qualifications will follow of their own account. This is the
reason why the legal profession is regarded as a noble one. [JS Jadhav v.
Mustafa Haji Mohammad Yusuf, AIR 1993 SC 1535]
A lawyer, being a
member of the Bar should always conduct himself properly in a court of law and
exert his least at all times to maintain the dignity of the Court but the Court
has also a reciprocal duty to perform and should not only be discourteous to a
lawyer but also should try to maintain the lawyer’s respect in the eyes of his
clients and the general public with whom he has to deal in his professional
As observed in R.D.
Saxena v. Balram Prasad Sharma, [(2000) 7 SCC
264], In India, admittedly, a social duty is cast upon the legal
profession to show the people beckon (sic beacon) light by their conduct and
actions. The poor, uneducated and exploited mass of the people need a helping
hand from the legal profession, admittedly, acknowledged as a most respectable
profession. No effort should be made or allowed to be made by which a litigant
could be deprived of his rights, statutory as well as constitutional, by an
advocate only on account of the exalted position conferred upon him under the
judicial system prevalent in the country.
According to Justice
VR Krishna Iyer, the lawyer shall be an instrumentality of the Republic in
securing to the whole people as promised in the Preamble, Justice, Social
Economic and Political and Fundamental freedoms and Rights incorporated in Law
India. He uses the rule of law and moulds the legal system so as to deliver to
every member of the populace, even the humblest have/not and the depressed
pariah, his constitutional title to justice.
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